25 the devil tarot card meaning love Full Guide

25 the devil tarot card meaning love Full Guide

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The Devil Major Arcana Card For Love, Finance, & More [1]

Key Meanings (Upright): Obsession, adultery, dependency, mental illness, secrecy, and consumerism are just a few of the negative behaviours that might occur. Key Meanings (Reversed): Detachment, independence, kicking the habit, freedom, revelation, regaining control, and realisation
The devil has bat wings, an inverted pentagram on his forehead, and is half goat, half man. He is positioned on a pedestal that has a naked man and lady bound to it as if to demonstrate his dominance over them
The chains give the impression that they are being held captive by the devil.. The woman has a bowl of grapes on her tail while the guy holds a torch, signifying their dependence on power

The Devil Meaning – Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings [2]

|oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness, limitations||independence, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power, reclaiming control|. |Skip to Upright Meaning||Skip to Reversed Meaning|
Along with being half goat and half man, the devil has bat wings and an inverted pentagram on his forehead. He is standing on a pedestal, to which are chained a nude man and woman, as if to show that he has dominion over them.
The chains make it appear as though the devil has taken them captive. The man has a flame on his tail while a woman has a bowl of grapes on her tail, which symbolizes their addiction to power and finer things in life, respectively.

The Devil Tarot Card: What It Means For Life, Love & More [3]

Keep Pulling The Devil Card In Tarot Readings? Here’s What To Know About It. Whether you want insight about the past, knowledge about the present, or guidance for the future, a tarot reading is a great place to start
Here’s what to know about this card, plus what it might say about your love life, career, and more.. The Devil is the 15th card of the major arcana, coming just before Temperance
Beneath the creature, a man and woman (both naked and with their own tails and sets of horns) are loosely chained to him. The chains, however, are quite loose, indicating that the man and woman could leave if they wanted to.

Devil Tarot Card Meaning, Love, Upright & Reverse – Complete Guide [4]

Devil Tarot Card Meaning, Love, Upright & Reverse – Complete Guide. The tarot is not associated with any particular religion, but it does include several religious symbols, including the Devil
This card, at its heart, reflects a destructive interaction with others or with oneself.. It also reflects some of our devilish, deepest human emotions
Instead, it encourages you to examine your life’s aspects where you feel out of balance and strives for change.. – Devil Tarot Upright: Trapped in bondage, negative thinking, betrayal, addictions and depression, material focus

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning [5]

Addiction, depression, mental health issues, secrecy, obsession, cheating, dependency, bondage, materialism, sexuality, powerlessness, hopelessness, abuse, violence, assault. In a general context, The Devil Tarot card can signify depression or addiction
With this Major Arcana card in your Tarot spread you may feel as though outside influences or forces beyond your control are restricting you, leaving you feeling powerless and victimised. You are in control of your own destiny and are not bound by anything other than your own attitudes and behaviour
There are always options and there is always something positive you can do to improve your situation no matter how hopeless things may seem on the surface. Likewise be mindful of how you are treating others and make sure you are not trying to manipulate or control people in your life either

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The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More [6]

Within the realm of tarot, religious symbolism weaves a rich tapestry of meaning, and one card that captures our attention is none other than the enigmatic Devil card.. As the fifteenth card of the Major Arcana, the tarot Devil card embodies the intricacies of our human desires, particularly those entwined with the material realm.
It sheds light on the shadows that lurk within, revealing our darkest and most complex human emotions.. In the presence of the Devil card, we are confronted with an opportunity for introspection and growth
Dive deep into the mysteries of the Devil card and unlock the secrets it holds. Explore the intricate interplay between light and dark, desire and restraint, and unravel the profound lessons it imparts on our spiritual journey.

Devil as Love Outcome (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning – Sibyl Tarot [7]

The Devil is the card of addiction, sexual desire, codependency, and attachment issues. This card shows two people, a man and a woman, chained to the devil himself
They have the capability to free themselves if they wish.. The Devil reminds us that while desire is good, taken to an extreme, it becomes deadly
Codependency is dangerous, and we must develop our own individuality in a relationship. The Devil also reminds us that the greatest chains are the ones we set upon ourselves

Devil [8]

The devil doesn’t really mean a bad person, but it relates the bad habits, ego and dark desire within us. It always makes us feel that we are better than others, and this will lead to the development of a superiority complex
The Devil tarot card highlights the devil within us. This indicates addiction, materialistic luxury and lust for money will take centre stage
The Devil Tarot card shows a mythical creature called Baphomet. He is also called a Horned goat of Mendes that is half man and half goat

The Devil Tarot Card Meanings [9]

Learn the easy way to read Tarot cards intuitively!. UPRIGHT: Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality
The Devil card shows Baphomet, or the Horned Goat of Mendes, a creature that is half man, half goat. Baphomet originally represented the balance between good and evil, male and female, and human and animal; however, more recently, this figure has been linked to the occult and has become a scapegoat for all things considered ‘evil’.
He has a hypnotic stare which ‘magnetizes’ and entrances those who come near him, bringing them under his power. Above him is an inverted pentagram – a sign of the darker side of magic and occultism

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: Relationship, Health & More [10]

Meanings when Upright:Cheating, lies, obsession, secrets, mental turbulence.. Meanings when Reversed: Independence, leaving things, realisations, freedom, detachment.
The Devil tarot card as a person indicates shackles, bondage, and imprisonment. The humans in the illustration represent the hierarchy of power
Every card has two meanings in terms of its position. Here are the meanings of the Devil tarot card Upright or Reversed:

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning, Explained [11]

The practice of Tarot allows us to see beyond what is in front of us and look to the inner truth of a situation.. The traditional tarot deck is made up of 78 cards, which are separated into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana
But one of the most misunderstood cards is the Devil.. Upright meaning keywords: Mental health issues, dishonesty, materialism, addiction, immoral activity, shadow self, powerlessness
RELATED: The 25 Best Tarot Card Decks For Both Beginners & Experts. The Devil tarot card is the fifteenth Major Arcana card, and while it can bring awareness of difficult situations, its greater meaning is one of cautiousness, because things may not be what they seem.

The Devil Tarot Card [12]

The simplicity of the Devil is what makes it an excellent ally in one’s reading, for it always gives information about lessons of the Soul that are due and that can only be overcome by a rise in consciousness and self-acceptance. In general, this is a card with a negative symbolism, showing us that it is time to let go of certain things, goals and rigid ideas that tie us down to the material world or the lower instinctive or social simplicity that doesn’t make us happy
This card calls on our hearts to cleanse through negative, burdening or dark emotions and circumstances, and while it might announce a time of difficulty, it is the strangest, deepest friend we wish to rely on to get our emotions out in the open so we can deal with them from a clear perspective. Returning us to ancestral patterns of behavior, chosen paths that we are pulled into by genetic magnetism, family karma and curses from our past lives, it gives us a chance to untangle our darkest shadows if we jump into a challenge with an open heart and focused on our personal spiritual and emotional growth
The forces that bring a couple together when the Devil is a part of a love reading are in fact the deepest challenge of love and attraction between two souls that needs to be cleansed. The role and the image of a bond isn’t what it seems and while both people might seek a simple romantic getaway and someone to cuddle up with, this romance doesn’t seem to be anything peaceful or light in its core

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The Devil [13]

Oh no, it’s the Devil card! Don’t worry, it’s not all brimstone and evil… generally, the Devil represents very human aspects, rather than supernatural ones.. The Devil card is the perversion of everything good, spiritual, and whole
In this card, you will find the same two people from the Lovers card now chained to the pedestal on top of which the devil sits. The winged figure above has an inverted pentacle representing the physical needs dominating over the spiritual
Typically this card will show up in a reading to identify an extremely unhealthy behavior, relationship, or environment. It is a card that acts as a warning omen that unless you correct the wrongs surrounding you in both the physical world and the metaphysical you will suffer consequences of the most unpleasant sort.

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: What Does it Indicate? [14]

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: What Does it Indicate?Reading Time: 4 minutes. The devil tarot card is one of the most important cards that signify obsession and manipulation
If you’ve had this card in your tarot reading, this guide might be very helpful. It will take you through the details like the devil tarot card meaning, how it affects the business and personal life of the natives, and more
Although the card of ill-deeds, negativity, and obsession, when this card appears in your tarot reading, you shouldn’t be scared. This card gives you a warning that something or somebody in your life is pulling you back and causing problems: that somebody can very well be you!

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning – Love, Money, Career, and Health – TarotFarm [15]

The fifteenth card of the Major Arcana is the Devil (XV), which embodies human desires, especially those concerning the material world and physical pleasures. It represents somewhat negative human feelings such as temptation, addiction, obsessions, dependency, and depression.
Remember that you control your destiny, and your attitudes and behavior are the only things limiting you.. The Devil tarot card visual depiction and symbolism
He has a floating pentagram on top of his horned head and a hypnotic stare in the illustration. The Devil is crouched on a pedestal with his right hand raised while his left hand is lowered and holding a torch.

Love, Future, Feelings, and More! — Lisa Boswell [16]

The meaning of The Devil Tarot card is ‘desire.’ When it appears in general, love, career, or business readings, you can be assured that the situation will revolve around the physical world, for better or worse (but usually worse).. You may choose a relationship based on physical attributes instead of emotional ones.
There may be an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or an emotional bond that you just cannot break. Enormous amounts of effort are needed to overcome your vices.
There is a possibility that you’ve fallen into a trap. You believe that you’re always the victim, but this is not the case; others may have suffered at your hands.

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: Upright, Reversed Reading, Keywords [17]

Few tarot cards elicit such a dramatic response like the appearance of the Devil, but I assure you, there’s no need to panic! After all, there are no bad tarot cards in the deck, just lessons to consider. And no one helps us see into the shadows of the darkness quite like the Devil.
Accept the challenge to dare to explore the sources of your unhappiness. What has been buried deep below and overlooked? You can face it now
Nothing is ever guaranteed, but it’s a lot easier to create happiness when you face your demons head-on, make your peace with them, and move forward.. Obsessions, vices, desires, excess, temptation, indulgence, shadow self, limitations, restrictions, choices, freedom

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The Devil Tarot Card Meanings [18]

Learn the meaning of The Devil Tarot card in under a minute!. The Devil Tarot card expresses the realm of the taboo — the culturally rejected wildness and undigested shadow side that each of us carries in our subconscious
From its earliest versions, which portrayed a vampire-demon, The Devil evoked the church-fueled fear that a person could “lose their soul” to wild and passionate forces.. The Devil image which emerged in the mid-1700s gives us a more sophisticated rendition — that of the “scapegoated goddess,” whose esoteric name is Baphomet
The Devil card reversed suggests that you are enjoying creating chaos and resistance for no particular, positive reason. Your motive may be vengeance or you are simply being an irritant.

Here’s What The Devil Tarot Card Actually Means [19]

It doesn’t always have to have a negative connotation.. When you pull the Devil card in a tarot reading, it’s easy to assume the worst
Thankfully, as astrologer and tarot reader Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle, there are no “bad” cards in tarot despite the reputation of certain cards like the Devil. In fact, there are positive messages within the card as well, and digging deeper into the meaning of the Devil card will show you there’s really nothing to fear.
“The Devil is a card of vices and excess, and it can show us what we can be addicted to, whatever that may be,” Monahan says. The Devil is then followed by the the Tower, which can be interpreted as breaking free from the bonds of the Devil.

The Devil Tarot Card Guide & Meanings (Major Arcana) [20]

The Devil tarot card (XV) is the 16th Major Arcana card in the standard Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Much like The Death tarot card, The Devil is one of the cards people fear most
Temptations and bad habits can hold you back from realizing your full potential if you’re not careful.. Read on to dive deep into the meaning and symbolism of the Devil tarot card.
Reversed: overcoming obstacles, sobriety, freedom, personal power, taking control. Upright, The Devil tarot card signifies feelings of being trapped, overwhelmed, and enslaved

The Devil Tarot: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No? [21]

– 1 The Devil Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money. The Devil Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money
While not necessarily a negative card, the 15th Major Arcana nevertheless represents temptation and indulgence in sensual pleasures, regardless of how dangerous said pleasures may turn out to be.. The illustration of the Devil in the Rider-Waite deck depicts him in his most recognizable satyr form, as the demon Baphomet
Chained to him below are a naked man and woman, visually stating his domination over them. They too have horns, indicating they’ve already been corrupted by the Beast and surrendered some of their humanity to him.

The Devil Tarot Card Meanings [22]

The Devil Says: “Free Yourself From Addictions of All Kinds”. The Devil card scares a lot of people, but really it’s just representative of our base instincts
The Devil asks us to look at our relationship with materialism, addiction, and self-destruction. When our shadow selves are repressed, they often surface as unhealthy attachments and restrictions that we allow or contribute to.
It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that nobody else is responsible for our happiness and that no matter how hard we try, we can’t find happiness in the external world. The Devil card exposes our tendency to shift responsibility, whether it’s by adopting the victim mentality or by numbing ourselves with carnal pleasures

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning [23]

The Devil Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more. Learn absolutely everything about The Devil tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology..
The Devil tarot card is one of the most intriguing and misunderstood cards in the deck. The Devil tarot card represents bondage, materialism, and temptation
The card often appears when we are in a situation where we feel trapped or unable to escape.. However, it is important to remember that The Devil tarot card does not represent evil or malevolence

The Devil Tarot Card Meanings: Love, Reversed & More [24]

Is it evil? Is it a sign of demon possession, or some kind of demonic influence in your life? Is it a sign that tarot is evil?. As with so many other cards in the Major Arcana, it’s important to look past the name
– Keywords: Addiction, obsession, abuse, powerlessness, a manipulator. – Keywords (Reversed): Overcoming addiction, pettiness, weakness, taking steps toward freedom
Pamela Colman Smith’s Devil has birdlike feet, goatlike legs, a goat’s head, and batlike wings.. An inverted pentagram sits between his horns, and he holds his right hand pointing skyward, and his left pointing downward while holding a torch

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning — Two Wander x Elysium Rituals [25]

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Like the devil on our shoulder, it can represent our vices and places of self-undoing, it shows up in the habits we know aren’t good for us and where we may be our own worst enemy. It can symbolise a sense of entrapment, of feeling stuck or duped in something
When taken further, The Devil is really quite a nuanced and complex card; and just like all of the Tarot, it can offer wonderful medicine and insight if we remain open and curious to its wisdom. Following on from Temperance, where we have hopefully regained a little bit of balance and harmony in preparation, The Devil allows us to view things from an objective perspective where previously we might have shied away from.

the devil tarot card meaning love
25 the devil tarot card meaning love Full Guide


  1. https://astrotalk.com/tarot/the-devil
  2. https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list/the-devil-meaning-major-arcana-tarot-card-meanings
  3. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/devil-tarot
  4. https://www.mypandit.com/tarot/major-arcana/devil/
  5. https://www.thetarotguide.com/the-devil
  6. https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/the-devil-tarot-card-meanings/
  7. https://www.sibyltarot.com/2022/07/29/tarot-card-meaning-devil-as-love-outcome/
  8. https://www.ganeshaspeaks.com/tarot/major-arcana/devil/
  9. https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/devil/
  10. https://instaastro.com/tarot/major-arcana/the-devil/
  11. https://www.yourtango.com/2020337136/devil-tarot-card-meanings-upright-reversed-love
  12. https://www.zodiacsign.com/tarot/cards/devil/
  13. https://www.auntyflo.com/tarot/devil
  14. https://www.eastrohelp.com/blog/devil-tarot-card-meaning/
  15. https://tarotfarm.com/the-devil-tarot-card-meaning/
  16. https://divinationandfortunetelling.com/articles/2017/7/24/the-devil-predictive-tarot-card-meanings
  17. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a41058653/the-devil-tarot-card-meaning/
  18. https://www.tarot.com/tarot/cards/the-devil
  19. https://www.bustle.com/life/devil-tarot-card-meaning-explained
  20. https://manifestlikewhoa.com/devil-tarot-card-guide-meanings/
  21. https://www.edelwyn.com/devil-card/
  22. https://tarot-explained.com/card-meanings/major-arcana/the-devil-tarot-card-meaning/
  23. https://aceofdivination.com/tarot-cards/major-arcana/the-devil
  24. https://www.terravara.com/the-devil-tarot-card-meaning/
  25. https://www.twowander.com/blog/the-devil-tarot-card-meaning

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