16 the very word democracy comes from a greek word meaning Full Guide

16 the very word democracy comes from a greek word meaning Full Guide

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What is Democracy? [1]

The word democracy comes from the Greek words ‘demos’, meaning people, and ‘Kratos’ meaning power or rule. Directly translated, democracy therefore means ‘rule by the people’
• The people have control over decision makers (e.g. (Source: Public Participation for Democracy Training Manual Book)

The word ‘democracy’ was derived from which language?A)GreekB)LatinC)EnglishD)French [2]

The word ‘democracy’ was derived from which language?. Hint: 1)Democracy is defined as the kind of government where people have the authority to select their governing body.
It provides an opportunity to the citizens to involve in the decision making process.. Option A, Greek is the language which has its origin since 3500 years ago prominent in
The language is spoken by approximately 13.4 million people in the World and are used to invent new words for different languages.. The word ‘democracy’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘demos’ which means ‘people’ and ‘kratos’ meaning ‘rule’ combining to mean ‘people’s rule’

Defining democracy [3]

The word ‘democracy’ has its origins in the Greek language. It combines two shorter words: ‘demos’ meaning whole citizen living within a particular city-state and ‘kratos’ meaning power or rule.
– A belief in the individual: since the individual is believed to be both moral and rational;. – A belief in reason and progress: based on the belief that growth and development is the natural condition of mankind and politics the art of compromise;
– A belief in shared power: based on a suspicion of concentrated power (whether by individuals, groups or governments).. A liberal democracy (that is, one that champions the development and well-being of the individual) is organised in such a way as to define and limit power so as to promote legitimate government within a framework of justice and freedom

The word ‘Democracy’ comes from the Greek word – [4]

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Manual for Human Rights Education with Young people [5]

No one is born a good citizen, no nation is born a democracy. Rather, both are processes that continue to evolve over a lifetime
There are so many different models of democratic government around the world that it is sometimes easier to understand the idea of democracy in terms of what it definitely is not. Democracy, then, is not autocracy or dictatorship, where one person rules; and it is not oligarchy, where a small segment of society rules
A democracy, at least in theory, is government on behalf of all the people, according to their “will”.. Question: If democracy is government by the people, are there any real democracies in the world?

Democracy (Ancient Greece) [6]

Democracy in ancient Greece served as one of the first forms of self-rule government in the ancient world. The system and ideas employed by the ancient Greeks had profound influences on how democracy developed, and its impact on the formation of the U.S
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What Is a Democracy? [ushistory.org] [7]

Nowhere is the word “democracy” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Well, for one, as we’ll discuss later, the Founders actually feared democratic rule
Yet a democratically-based government was seen as superior to the monarchies of Europe.. Democracies did not originate with the founding of the United States
So of course democracy is a form of government that gives power to the people. But how, when, and to which people? The answer to those questions changes through history.

Democracy Definition & Meaning [8]

capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.. from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy—C
2002 … this and the economic failures of faithful democracies in places such as India or the Anglophone Caribbean demonstrated conclusively that there was no inherent link between freedom and capitalism … —Orlando Patterson, New Republic, 8 Nov. 1999 Even in democracies today, crucial knowledge is available to only a few individuals … —Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel, 1997 The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy
The company is not a democracy; decisions are made by a board of directors, not the workers. Recent Examples on the Web Both opinions hinged on a core principle of American democracy: the separation of powers

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Democracy | Definition, History, Meaning, Types, Examples, & Facts [9]

– The Italian republics from the 12th century to the Renaissance. – Toward representative democracy: Europe and North America to the 19th century
– Pericles Solon Aung San Suu Kyi Cleisthenes of Athens Ephialtes. How is democracy better than other forms of government?
The etymological origins of the term democracy hint at a number of urgent problems that go far beyond semantic issues. If a government of or by the people—a “popular” government—is to be established, at least five fundamental questions must be confronted at the outset, and two more are almost certain to be posed if the democracy continues to exist for long.

Democracy – THIS IS GENDERED [10]

While for some, democracy has been a reality for over 2000 years, for women and other minority groups, their (active) participation in democratic processes only started in the 20th century.. The word democracy stems from Greek and is constituted of two words: demos meaning the people, and kratos meaning power or rule (the power to rule)
This political model is not new and first emerged in Athens (Ancient Greece) around 5 B.C. Yes, the same Ancient Greece that came up with the Olympics
Back then, when citizens of Athens gathered to discuss, decide, and essentially chat about politics, one important voice was missing. Women had no political rights and very limited social and civil ones

Ancient Greek Meaning Of Democracy – 845 Words [11]

I believe that ancient Athens was not a true democracy. In a democracy all of the people are able to vote, and have a choice on who runs their city
Even though their government was ran by the people themselves, only the men in the city could vote. Only the men truly had a say, and ran ancient Athens
“The rule of the people” is the definition of Democracy. Athenians elected government officials through lot (Document B)

Democracy and you [12]

You have probably heard the term ‘democracy’ used a lot, so let’s start by looking at the word itself.. The word ‘democracy’ comes from the Greek word ‘demo’s, meaning ‘citizen’, and ‘kratos’, meaning ’power’.
Democracy is a form of government where the people of a nation have the power to decide who will represent them and which laws they will live by.. Here in New Zealand, we have a form of representative democracy
In democracies, we select representatives (aka politicians) through the elections process.. Elections give you the opportunity to vote for your preferred candidates who can act on your behalf when it comes to decision making.

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Meaning of Democracy — [13]

This section has been prepared as an example of a civic education standard message document. that could be made available to educators and to those preparing materials
Democracy is an exciting concept, and the increase in the number of states ascribing to democratic practice has signaled a different life for many who now live free from political oppression or authoritarian rule. For many, especially those in newer democracies, it is a complex term and coming to grips with its practical meaning takes a long time
It is particularly the case that in civic education, the manner in which it is taught influences the understanding people have of the concept of democracy. It needs to be done in a democratic way, valuing interaction, participation and individual contributions to debate and discovery of meaning.

Athenian democracy [14]

Athenian democracy developed around the 6th century BC in the Greek city-state (known as a polis) of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica. Although Athens is the most famous ancient Greek democratic city-state, it was not the only one, nor was it the first; multiple other city-states adopted similar democratic constitutions before Athens.[1][2] By the late 4th century BC as many as half of the over one thousand existing Greek city-states might have been democracies.[3] Athens practiced a political system of legislation and executive bills
Solon (in 594 BC), Cleisthenes (in 508–07 BC), and Ephialtes (in 462 BC) contributed to the development of Athenian democracy. Cleisthenes broke up the unlimited power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived, rather than on their wealth.[5] The longest-lasting democratic leader was Pericles
It was modified somewhat after it was restored under Eucleides; the most detailed accounts of the system are of this fourth-century modification, rather than the Periclean system. Democracy was suppressed by the Macedonians in 322 BC


It is said that democracy was first created in Ancient Greece and the word democracy comes from two Greek words that help us understand what it means:. So, democracy basically means “people power” or “rule by the people”
They can do this, for instance, by voting in elections to choose their own political leaders.. Dictatorships are types of government where one person or group has control over the country and can do what they want
The world’s first democracy is said to have developed in ancient Athens (Greece) in around the 5th century B.C.E.. • These days, the majority of countries in the world describe themselves as democratic and democracy is one of the core values of the United Nations Organisation.

Easy peasy politics: Democracy [16]

Democracy is one of the key principles of the UK’s constitution. It ensures that everyone’s voice counts when the government makes a decision.
By approximately the 5th century before Christ, the city of Athens (Greece) established a significant new governing system.. At least once a month, all the citizens of Athens would meet in an assembly to discuss how the city should respond to current issues
This was the first time ordinary citizens had the opportunity to be involved in deciding how the country should be run. All citizens directly contributed to the democracy of Athens.

the very word democracy comes from a greek word meaning
16 the very word democracy comes from a greek word meaning Full Guide


  1. https://www.freiheit.org/yangon/what-democracy#:~:text=The%20word%20democracy%20comes%20from,’rule%20by%20the%20people’.
  2. https://www.vedantu.com/question-answer/the-word-democracy-was-derived-from-which-class-11-social-science-cbse-600512d1e7ed25330db6eed2
  3. https://www.moadoph.gov.au/democracy/defining-democracy
  4. https://www.doubtnut.com/qa-hindi/648100545
  5. https://www.coe.int/en/web/compass/democracy
  6. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/democracy-ancient-greece/
  7. https://www.ushistory.org/gov/1c.asp
  8. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/democracy
  9. https://www.britannica.com/topic/democracy
  10. https://thisisgendered.org/entry/democracy/
  11. https://www.ipl.org/essay/Ancient-Greek-Meaning-Of-Democracy-F3YJ2PH4AJFR
  12. https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/elections/auckland-council-you/civic-participation/Pages/democracy-you.aspx
  13. https://aceproject.org/main/english/ve/vek05b01.htm
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenian_democracy
  15. https://reconnect-europe.eu/what-is-democracy/
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4pr3j6/articles/zygmqfr

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