How to Take Out a Broken Bolt: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Take Out a Broken Bolt: A Comprehensive Guide


Are you tired of encountering the same problem over and over again? When working with machinery or vehicles, removing a broken bolt can be a daunting task. Knowing how to take out a broken bolt is essential for any DIY enthusiast or mechanic.

Safety measures and proper tools are crucial in this process. Neglecting these precautions could lead to irreversible consequences. In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps on how to remove a broken bolt safely and efficiently.

Why is it Important to Know How to Remove a Broken Bolt?

Broken bolts can be frustrating and costly, causing delays in your projects. It’s crucial to know how to remove them because attempting to force them out could cause more damage. Repairs may become more expensive if you’re unable to remove it properly.

Moreover, having the ability to recognize which method works best for each situation will save time and effort, making the process less daunting.

Safety measures such as wearing gloves, safety glasses, and using protective gear when necessary are vital. Additionally, using proper tools such as pliers or vise grips will help ensure that there is no further damage during removal.

Now that we’ve established why it’s important let’s move on to assessing the situation in Section II of this guide.

Assessing the Situation

When dealing with a broken bolt, it’s crucial to assess the situation before attempting to remove it. Here are some key steps to follow:

Identifying the Type of Bolt and its Location

Before proceeding with the removal process, you need to identify the type of bolt and its location. Different types of bolts require different methods of extraction.

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Inspecting the Surrounding Area for Potential Damage

Inspecting the surrounding area is essential in identifying if there is any potential damage caused by the broken bolt. This will help you determine if there is any further damage that needs repair before removing the bolt.

Deciding Whether to Attempt Removal or Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, attempting removal could cause more damage than good, especially when dealing with intricate machinery or vehicles. In such cases, it’s best to seek professional help.

However, if you’re confident in your abilities, proceed with caution and ensure that safety measures are taken. It’s essential to use proper tools and techniques that are appropriate for each situation.

In Section III, I’ll guide you on how to prepare for the removal process.

Preparing for Removal

Gathering Necessary Tools and Equipment

Before attempting to remove a broken bolt, make sure you have all the necessary tools at your disposal. The most basic tools needed are pliers, vise grips, an adjustable wrench, and a drill. You may also require a tap set or an easy-out depending on the situation.

Applying Lubrication to Loosen the Bolt

Lubrication is essential in loosening the bolt to facilitate its removal. Apply penetrating oil generously on the area surrounding the bolt and let it sit for some time to penetrate. This will help loosen any rust or debris that may be holding it in place.

Removing Any Obstacles in the Way

Inspect the area surrounding the broken bolt for potential obstacles that may hinder its removal. If there are any wires or hoses connected to it, disconnect them first before proceeding with removal. Be careful not to damage any other parts while doing so.

By gathering all necessary tools and equipment, applying lubrication to loosen the bolt, and removing any obstacles in the way, you’re now ready to proceed with removing a broken bolt using one of several techniques available. In Section IV of this guide, we’ll explore these methods in detail.

Techniques for Removing Broken Bolts

When it comes to removing broken bolts, there are several techniques available. The most efficient method depends on the situation and type of bolt. In this section, we’ll discuss four techniques for removing broken bolts.

Using Pliers or Vise Grips

This technique is useful when the bolt protrudes from the surface. Firstly, you need to grip the bolt using pliers or vise grips. Apply pressure in a counterclockwise direction while turning it gently. If the bolt doesn’t turn, try tightening it slightly before attempting to loosen it again.

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Extracting with an Easy Out

An easy out is a specialized tool that helps remove broken bolts without damaging the threads of the surrounding material. It’s advisable to use this method when dealing with small bolts or those that require precision. The process involves drilling a hole into the center of the bolt and inserting an easy-out tool into it. Turn clockwise until it grips onto the bolt’s interior and then turn counterclockwise to extract it.

Welding Method

This technique requires welding equipment and should only be attempted by experienced individuals. It involves welding a nut onto the top of the broken bolt, which can then be removed with a wrench.

Drilling Method

If all else fails, drilling may be necessary to remove stubborn bolts. This technique involves drilling a hole through the center of the broken bolt using a drill bit slightly smaller than its diameter. Once you’ve reached a sufficient depth, use an easy-out tool to extract it.

In conclusion, each method has its advantages and disadvantages depending on factors such as size and location of the broken bolt. By understanding these options’ pros and cons, you’ll be able to choose which one works best for your situation in Section V of this guide.

Troubleshooting Tips

Common Problems Encountered During Removal Process

Removing a broken bolt can be a challenging task, and problems may arise during the process. Below are some common issues that you may encounter:

Bolt is Stuck or Will Not Budge

If the bolt is stuck or will not move, it’s essential to avoid using excessive force. Doing so could cause more damage, making removal even more challenging. Apply lubrication around the broken bolt and let it sit for a few minutes. This will help loosen the bolt, making it easier to remove.

Bolt Head is Stripped

When attempting to remove a stripped bolt head, use pliers or vise grips to grip onto the remaining portion of the bolt and slowly turn it counterclockwise. If this method fails, try using an easy-out tool specifically designed to extract stripped bolts.

Bolt Tip Snapped Off

If the tip of the broken bolt snapped off inside the hole, use a drill bit to create a small hole in its center. Using an easy-out tool will then allow you to extract the remaining piece of broken bolt easily.

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Solutions To Overcome These Issues

The following are some solutions that can help overcome issues encountered when removing broken bolts:

Heat The Area Around The Bolt

Using heat from an oxyacetylene torch or propane torch can expand metal around the broken bolt. This technique helps break down rust and corrosion buildup around the bolt, making it easier to remove.

Use A Tap And Die Set

A tap and die set is ideal for removing stubborn bolts with stripped threads. It allows you to rethread any damaged threads on your material after extraction.

In summary, encountering problems while removing broken bolts is not unusual; however, knowing how to troubleshoot these issues helps ease frustration and makes removal easier. In Section VI of this guide, we’ll discuss safety measures necessary when removing broken bolts.

Safety Measures While Removing Broken Bolts

Removing broken bolts can be a challenging task, and safety should be of utmost importance while undertaking this job. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of protective gear and safe handling of tools and equipment.

Importance of Wearing Protective Gear

Protective gear such as gloves, safety glasses, and protective clothing must always be worn when removing a broken bolt. Gloves protect your hands from sharp edges or hot surfaces while safety glasses provide eye protection against flying debris or sparks.

In some cases, you may need to use ear protection if the removal process involves loud noises. Wearing proper protective gear ensures that you’re safe from any possible harm that may arise during the removal process.

Safe Handling of Tools and Equipment

When handling tools and equipment during the removal process, it’s crucial to follow safety procedures to avoid any accidents or damage. Always ensure that you’re using the right tool for the job to avoid damaging surrounding parts or injuring yourself.

Additionally, make sure that all tools are in good condition before starting work. Check for cracks or any other defects that could cause them to malfunction during use.

Lastly, always keep your work area clean and organized. This helps prevent slips, trips, and falls caused by cluttered surroundings.

By following these safety measures while removing broken bolts, you can minimize the risk of injury or further damage. Now let’s move on to our conclusion where we’ll recap on what we’ve covered in this guide so far.


Removing a broken bolt can be an intimidating task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a problem that can be solved.

Remember to assess the situation before attempting removal and prepare by gathering necessary tools and equipment. Apply lubrication to loosen the bolt and use techniques such as pliers or vise grips, an easy out, welding, or drilling. Troubleshoot common problems that arise during removal and follow safety measures.

In conclusion, knowing how to remove a broken bolt will save time, money, and frustration. Keep in mind the importance of safety measures and using proper tools for each situation. With practice and patience, you can become proficient in removing broken bolts like a pro!

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