How to Get Tea in Let’s Go Pikachu

How to Get Tea in Let’s Go Pikachu


If you’re playing Let’s Go Pikachu and need to know how to get tea, you’ve come to the right place. Tea is an essential item in the game, as it helps you to wake up sleeping Snorlax and progress through the game. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of obtaining tea in Let’s Go Pikachu, step-by-step.

How to Get Tea in Celadon City

The first place you want to go to obtain tea is Celadon City. This is the largest city in the game and home to the Celadon Department Store, where you can buy various items, including tea. Here’s how to get there:

  1. Make your way to Route 7, which is accessible from Saffron City or from the Underground Path between Celadon City and Vermilion City.
  2. Follow the path until you reach Celadon City.
  3. Once you’re in Celadon City, head to the Celadon Department Store, which is located in the north-central part of the city.

When you arrive at the department store, head to the fourth floor, where you’ll find a vending machine that sells tea. The tea costs 200 Pokédollars, so make sure you have enough money before you head there.

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How to Get Tea from an NPC

If you don’t have enough money to buy tea from the vending machine or simply prefer to obtain it for free, there is another way to get it. Here’s how:

  1. Head to the Game Corner in Celadon City.
  2. Look for a non-playable character (NPC) who is standing near the slot machines.
  3. Speak to the NPC, and they will give you a can of tea for free.

It’s important to note that the NPC only gives you one can of tea, so if you need more than one, you’ll have to purchase it from the vending machine or find another NPC to give it to you.

How to Get Tea as a Reward

Tea can also be obtained as a reward for completing certain tasks in the game. For example, you can obtain tea by completing the following:

  1. Helping a thirsty old man in Celadon City by giving him a drink of water.
  2. Helping a girl in Saffron City by finding her lost Mr. Mime.

These tasks can be completed at any point in the game, and the rewards are well worth the effort.


In conclusion, obtaining tea in Let’s Go Pikachu is a straightforward process. Whether you choose to buy it from the vending machine, obtain it from an NPC, or complete a task to receive it as a reward, you’ll be able to wake up sleeping Snorlax and continue your journey through the game. We hope this guide has been helpful and that you enjoy playing Let’s Go Pikachu.

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How to Use Tea in Let’s Go Pikachu

Now that you have obtained tea in Let’s Go Pikachu, it’s time to use it. Tea is used to wake up sleeping Snorlax, who is blocking your path in certain areas of the game. Here’s how to use tea:

  1. Head to the sleeping Snorlax that is blocking your path.
  2. Open your bag and select the tea.
  3. Choose the option to use the tea on the Snorlax.

Once you use the tea on the Snorlax, it will wake up and move out of your way, allowing you to progress through the game.

Other Uses of Tea in Let’s Go Pikachu

Tea has other uses in Let’s Go Pikachu, besides waking up sleeping Snorlax. Here are some of the other uses of tea in the game:

  1. Tea can be given to a thirsty guard in Saffron City, who will then allow you to enter the city’s gym.
  2. Tea can be sold to certain NPCs in the game for a profit.
  3. Tea can be used to evolve certain Pokémon, such as Poliwhirl, into Poliwrath, or Eevee into Vaporeon.

It’s important to note that not all types of tea can be used to evolve Pokémon. For example, only the Water Stone can be used to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon.

In conclusion, tea is a useful item in Let’s Go Pikachu, with multiple uses in the game. Whether you need to wake up sleeping Snorlax or evolve your Pokémon, tea is a must-have item for any serious player. We hope this guide has been helpful, and happy gaming!

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How to Use Tea in Let’s Go Pikachu

Now that you have obtained tea, it’s time to use it. Tea is used to wake up sleeping Snorlax, which blocks certain paths in the game. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Make your way to the sleeping Snorlax.
  2. Navigate to the item menu and select the tea.
  3. Use the tea on the Snorlax, and it will wake up.

Once you have used the tea on the Snorlax, it will move out of the way, allowing you to progress through the game. It’s important to note that each can of tea can only be used once, so make sure to obtain enough tea to wake up all the sleeping Snorlax in the game.

Why Tea is Important in Let’s Go Pikachu

Tea is an essential item in Let’s Go Pikachu, as it allows you to progress through the game by waking up sleeping Snorlax. These Snorlax block certain paths, preventing you from moving forward until they are awakened. Without tea, you would not be able to progress through the game, making it a crucial item to obtain.

In addition to its importance in the game, tea is also a valuable item to have in your inventory. It can be used to heal your Pokémon, restoring their health by 50 points. This makes it an excellent item to have during battles, especially when your Pokémon is low on health.

In conclusion, tea is an essential item in Let’s Go Pikachu, and obtaining it is crucial to progress through the game. Whether you choose to buy it from the vending machine, obtain it from an NPC, or complete a task to receive it as a reward, make sure to have enough tea to wake up all the sleeping Snorlax in the game.

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