How to Fix Bubbles in Gel Nail Polish

How to Fix Bubbles in Gel Nail Polish

Gel nail polish has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its durability and long-lasting finish. However, one common problem that many people face is the formation of bubbles in their gel polish. These unsightly bubbles can ruin a perfectly good manicure, leaving you frustrated and disappointed. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of bubbles in gel nail polish and provide you with tips on how to prevent and fix them.

Causes of Bubbles in Gel Nail Polish

Bubbles can form in gel nail polish for several reasons. One of the most common causes is temperature and humidity changes during application. If your workspace is too hot or humid, it can cause air bubbles to form as the polish dries. Additionally, if you shake your bottle of gel polish vigorously before applying it, this can introduce air into the product and create bubbles.

Another reason why bubbles may appear is incorrect application technique. For example, if you apply too thick a coat of gel polish or don’t allow each coat to dry properly before applying the next one, it can result in bubbles forming underneath the surface layer. Finally, using old or expired products can also lead to bubbling issues since these polishes tend to thicken over time.

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Prevention Measures for Avoiding Bubbles in Gel Nail Polish

Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to prevent bubbles from forming when using gel nail polish. Firstly, it’s essential to choose high-quality products from reputable brands that have a good track record for delivering excellent results consistently. Using top-notch products guarantees that you’re working with high-quality ingredients that are less likely to bubble.

Another prevention measure involves ensuring that you store your products correctly and keep them away from extreme temperatures or direct sunlight exposure. Keep all your tools clean at all times and work on a clean surface area free from dust particles or any other debris that might interfere with the application process. Finally, it’s essential to pay close attention to your application technique and apply thin coats of polish that allow each layer to dry properly before adding the next one.

Prevention Measures for Avoiding Bubbles in Gel Nail Polish (Continued)

To avoid bubbles, it’s also essential to keep your gel nail polish well-maintained. Discard any products that have expired or become thick and unusable. Additionally, ensure that you’re using the correct curing lamp for your gel polish brand since different lamps have varying curing times.

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Another tip is to avoid applying too much pressure when brushing on the gel polish. This can force air into the product, leading to bubbling issues. Finally, make sure that you don’t apply your topcoat too soon after applying the base coat, as this can trap air between the layers and cause bubbles.

How to Fix Bubbles in Gel Nail Polish During the Application Process

One way to fix bubbles during application is to use a toothpick or an orange stick to pop them before curing. Gently insert the tool into each bubble and release the air trapped inside by pushing down gently. However, be careful not to damage your nails or remove any of the polish while doing this.

Another option is to apply thinner coats of polish instead of thicker ones since thin coats dry faster and are less likely to trap air bubbles underneath them. Make sure each layer dries completely before adding another one.

Finally, instead of shaking your bottle vigorously before use, try rolling it between your palms for a few minutes. This helps mix up the product without introducing excess air into it and causing bubbling issues.

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By following these prevention measures and fixing techniques, you can achieve a smooth and flawless finish with your gel nail polish every time!

How to Fix Bubbles in Already Cured Gel Nail Polish

If you’ve already cured your gel nail polish and notice bubbles, don’t panic; there are still ways to fix them. One method involves soaking your nails in warm water for about five minutes, which softens the gel polish and makes it easier to manipulate. Next, use an orange stick to gently push down on the bubble until it flattens out. Be careful not to push too hard as this might damage the surface of your nails.

Another solution is to buff out small surface-level bubbles using a fine-grit buffer. This method works best for smaller bubbles that are not too deep into the polish layer. Simply use the buffer to gently smooth out the area around the bubble until it’s even with the rest of your nail.


Bubbles in gel nail polish can be frustrating, but they’re entirely preventable with some simple measures and easy fixes. By choosing high-quality products, storing them correctly, and paying attention to application techniques, you can avoid bubbling issues altogether. In case you do end up with bubbles after curing your nails, soaking them in warm water or buffing them out with a fine-grit buffer can quickly fix any imperfections.

Now that you know how to prevent and fix bubbles in gel nail polish, you can achieve flawless manicures every time!

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