How Long Can Raw Chicken Be in the Fridge?

How Long Can Raw Chicken Be in the Fridge?

When it comes to food safety, proper storage and handling of raw chicken are critical. Raw chicken contains harmful bacteria like Salmonella and Campylobacter that can cause foodborne illnesses if not handled correctly. One of the most common questions people ask is how long can raw chicken be stored in the fridge before it goes bad? In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about storing raw chicken in the fridge.

Storage Guidelines for Raw Chicken

To ensure that raw chicken stays fresh and safe for consumption, it’s essential to follow proper storage guidelines. The first step is to make sure your fridge temperature is set at or below 40°F (4°C). This temperature range helps slow down bacterial growth and keeps your food fresh for an extended period.

When storing raw chicken in the fridge, it’s crucial to wrap it properly. Use airtight containers or plastic bags to prevent any leakage, which could contaminate other foods in your fridge. You can also place a tray or plate underneath the chicken to catch any juices that may leak out.

Another crucial step when storing raw chicken is to keep it on the bottom shelf of your fridge. This helps prevent any cross-contamination with other foods like fruits and vegetables that don’t require cooking.

By following these simple storage guidelines, you can extend the shelf life of your raw chicken while maintaining its quality and safety.

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Shelf Life of Raw Chicken in the Fridge

The shelf life of raw chicken depends on several factors such as storage conditions, packaging method, and quality at purchase. In general, raw chicken can be stored in the fridge for up to two days before it starts to go bad. However, if properly wrapped and stored at optimal temperatures, it can stay fresh for up to four days.

It’s important to note that even if your raw chicken looks fine after four days, you should still use your senses to determine its freshness. If it smells off, has a slimy texture, or a greyish color, it’s best to throw it out and not take any chances.

By following proper storage guidelines and paying attention to signs of spoilage, you can ensure that the raw chicken in your fridge remains fresh and safe for consumption.

Shelf Life of Raw Chicken in the Fridge

Several factors can affect the shelf life of raw chicken stored in the fridge. One of them is the quality of the chicken when purchased. If you buy fresh, high-quality chicken from a reputable source, it will last longer than a lower quality product.

Another factor that affects shelf life is packaging. If the chicken is vacuum-sealed or stored in an airtight container, it can last longer than if it’s left exposed to air. Additionally, if the chicken has been previously frozen and then thawed, its shelf life will be shorter than if it were fresh.

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The temperature at which you store your raw chicken also plays a significant role in determining its shelf life. As mentioned earlier, storing your chicken at or below 40°F (4°C) helps slow down bacterial growth and keeps your food fresh for more extended periods.

In general, raw chicken can be stored safely in the fridge for up to four days before it starts to go bad. However, this duration may vary depending on several factors like storage conditions and packaging method.

Signs of Spoiled Raw Chicken

It’s essential to know how to identify signs of spoiled raw chicken as consuming contaminated food can cause severe illness. Physical changes are one indicator that your raw chicken has gone bad. Look out for discoloration, grayish coloration, or slimy texture on the surface of the meat.

Smell changes are another significant indicator of spoilage. Fresh raw chicken has little to no odor; however, spoiled raw chicken emits an unpleasant smell similar to rotten eggs or sulfur when opened.

Texture changes such as stickiness or tackiness are other indications that your raw chicken has gone bad. When you touch fresh uncooked meat, it should feel firm and dry; however, if it feels sticky or slimy after storage in the fridge beyond four days or more than two hours at room temperature – throw it away.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to pay close attention to physical and smell changes in your raw chicken while storing it in the fridge. Proper handling, storage, and awareness of signs of spoilage can help prevent foodborne illnesses caused by contaminated chicken.

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Food Safety Precautions with Raw Chicken

Raw chicken can carry harmful bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses, such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. Therefore, it’s crucial to take proper precautions when handling and cooking raw chicken to prevent contamination.

One of the essential things to remember is always to wash your hands before and after handling raw chicken. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria from the chicken to other surfaces or foods. Additionally, make sure to clean all surfaces and utensils that come into contact with raw chicken thoroughly. Use hot soapy water or a sanitizing solution to disinfect any cutting boards, knives, or countertops used during preparation.

When cooking raw chicken, it’s crucial to make sure it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill any harmful bacteria present. Never rely on visual cues like color or texture alone when determining if the chicken is cooked correctly. Always use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat for accurate temperature readings.

By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of foodborne illness associated with consuming raw or undercooked chicken.


In conclusion, proper storage and handling are essential for ensuring the safety and quality of raw chicken stored in your fridge. By following storage guidelines and paying attention to signs of spoilage, you can extend its shelf life while maintaining its freshness.

It’s also important not to overlook food safety precautions when preparing raw chicken. Always wash your hands and sanitize all surfaces and utensils used during preparation. Cook raw chicken thoroughly until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill any harmful bacteria present.

By prioritizing food safety when storing and preparing raw chicken, you can enjoy delicious meals without compromising your health.

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